star bread

Click to embiggen.

"Look. Fish into my eye. You---an open eye."

~ Kelvin S.M. | Attraction

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*This photograph is available for purchase via print on Canvas, Fine Art Paper &/or Photo Paper. To place your order/s, please visit my online Artist's Portfolio page at or click here.


  1. Like the colour against the black and white image...

  2. What an engaging poem and image

  3. Nothing more intriguing than an open eye! So much can be seen if one looks!

  4. Intriguing words, kiddo.....great image, too. It is always so nice to read you, my friend.

  5. "Click to embiggen" cracked me up :-) And I love the contrast between the bread and the black and white.

  6. You captured something all right, very strikingly – in image and words.

  7. Really nice.lovely surprises: the b&w plus colour, the fish juxtaposition, the arresting tone in the use of exclamation.

    Thanks for dropping by my Sunday Lime this week

    Much love...

  8. Really nice.lovely surprises: the b&w plus colour, the fish juxtaposition, the arresting tone in the use of exclamation.

    Thanks for dropping by my Sunday Lime this week

    Much love...

  9. Simple, but so far from simple...


  10. Wow! Short forms are far from simple. Why am I not surprised? Very deep eye loved it.

  11. The photo is so cool. The words I read and reread. They are powerful with meaning. I felt it related to the narrator's defensiveness, hidden self. The looker, open, revealing the desire to know the other person, to fish his/her truth.

  12. ok Kelvin so the photo is great then I read the poem and it's great.
    Awesome to see how much you enjoy your craft. Hope all is well

  13. That is a stunning picture...and your words, sharp and crisp as always ~

    Hope you are well Kelvin ~


Technically, I know nothing of photography. What I only know is that I want to capture something. #smiles

Thank you for visiting my page & for the kind words!

~ kelvin s.m.